About Self-Help Solar Loans Maximum loan amount of $100,000 Maximum term of 20 years Competitive interest rates Professional service, personal attention 7 reasons to go solar: Lower electricity bills Renewable energy source Increased property value Energy independence Limited maintenance Clean and emission-free Solar energy is always “on” Ready to go solar? Call us at 877-369-2828 x7031,or email SHFCU-Solar@self-help.org Solar Resources & TipsLearn more about solar and the potential for savings:DOE Benefits of Residential Solar ElectricityDOE Homeowner's Guide to Going SolarEnergySage tools: See typical solar costs and calculate an estimate for potential savings.Residential Clean Energy Credit: If you install solar on your home and have sufficient tax liability, you may potentially qualify for a tax credit.It is always a good idea to get several quotes from different solar installers to compare prices and scopes of work.Beware of extra dealer financing fees that solar installers can sometimes build into their quote. Ask for the "cash price" of the system, even if you are considering financing through a loan.